Friday, November 27, 2009

Changes to deck, Book of Moon, the Semicolon and I'm not good at keeping things short.

So right now I'm testing Gorz, Trunade and Solemn Judgment.I'm side decking the D.D. Crow and my 2x Book of Moon.

Solemn Judgment I think is a card that I should have had in this deck from the very beginning. Solemn was my MVP during the DSF format (ironically enough) and even at 1 I think I'll still be able to win games with it.

Now Gorz is something most people would not run in Blackwings but I'm going to give him a try AGAIN. The field presence he creates when he's summoned is really too good to pass up. Often times when I drop him I can continually push with him without committing any other cards to the field. If they want to use Icarus, Mirror or Lightning vortex on it then it's fine, it puts me in a good position.

Of course the problem arises when your deck mains 5 continuous spell/trap cards on top of the potential dead backrow cards (Icarus and to a lesser extent BTH, but it rarely happens). Which is where my next card choice comes in.

Giant Trunade will provide for me safer Whirlwind plays and hits. I can use it to clear my backrow for my Gorz (Of course I'm not going to intentionally -1 myself just for that purpose). It'll also help me play around my Oppressions so I can synchro a little easier with Gale/Blizzard and my Dark Armed drops aren't threatened.

Overall I don't think I'm sacrificing too much to put these cards in play. D.D. Crow was a very situational card which I mostly ended up using as Icarus fodder. It's really better off as a side deck card.

Book of Moon, the swiss army knife of the game is not doing so hot in this format. Yes, you can use it to stop Whirlwind/Chariot plays; avoid Kalut and Honest drops but in the end, the threat persists. The chariot remains, the monster is still on the field, and Honest/Kalut is still in hand. Zombies basically laugh in your face with their endless floaters. I'm not saying that Book of moon is costing me games but I do think it's no longer a card that can be considered a staple (if it ever was).

Despite what I say about it, I probably will go back to using Book of moons. It's just so damn versatile. Maybe I'll replace my mbaas for one.

I don't use 3x Blizzard because first turn blizzards suck, though I'm not going to knock a blackwing player if they decide to run 3. Just putting that out there.

Also, I really need to make better (correct) use of the semicolon!

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