Official OCG rulings state that Royal Oppression can negate the special summoning effect of Starlight Road which in turn negates the entirety of the card. That means no negation and no Stardust for you Rainbow Road.
Looks like Blackwings get an out to Starlight Road. Royal Oppression has the ability to negate anything that has the potential to special summon outside of the damage step.
Japanese source
Here's some rough translations
Q: Did you chain this card to the imposition of "suppression of the royal palace," Can I invoke?
A: Yes, you can invoke. At that time, "Star light load" is disabled and the effects of corruption.
Also you can activate Starlight Road even if you don't have a Stardust in your Extra deck.
These are official OCG rulings and I'd be very surprised if this turns out to be one of the few cases where we'll get different rulings for a card. I'm looking at you Prisma.
In my opinion Starlight Road won't be making a big impact on the TCG meta. Even with the rampant destruction; it's still far too situational. It's quite an amazing card but to say it's meta changing is taking it too far.
Well actually I'm going to proxy it a bit against my blackwing deck to see how often it'll come up against the big 3 + Icarus. Guaranteed though that it'll have little to no effect on Lightsworns.
Though you can side it against GBs. You can Icarus some of their monsters yourself, plus grab a stardust, which basically shuts down GBs.